The Oscars: An extraterrestrial perspective

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“A team of planet-hunters has announced the discovery of Gliese 581g, an Earth-sized planet orbiting a nearby star.” Sept. 29, 2010, The Telegraph

Allow me to introduce myself. I reside on Gliese 581g, a planet that circles our red dwarf star in what you Earthlings delightfully call the Goldilocks Zone – not so close as to get fried, not so far as to get frozen. And, yes, we Glieseans are watching you. We especially enjoy watching your gaudy rituals. There’s much to be learned about a species by observing their rituals, the gaudier the better. Naturally, the one known to you as the Oscars is our particular favourite. Your number crunchers take pride in boasting how many millions of eyeballs routinely tune in to this wondrous spectacle. If only they really knew.

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