Effective Planing need agianst extremism

انتہاء پسندی کے خلاف موثر حکمت عملی کی ضرورت
انتہاء پسندی کے خلاف موثر حکمت عملی کی ضرورت

افغانستان میں جاری امریکی جنگ کے اثرات سے پاکستان کی سرزمین متاثرہوئی ہے شاید اتنی امریکہ کی اپنی سرزمین نہیں ہوئی ۔اس کی وجہ پاکستان کی سرزمین پر موجود مذہبی انتہاء پسند ہیں جن کا عقیدہ صرف یہ ہے کہ دین اسلام کے دشمن کے خلاف صف آراء ہو کر مکمل طور پر جنگ کی جائے یعنی 'جہاد' کیا جائے۔اور ان کا وجود کو ختم کیا جائے۔اس انتہاء پسندی کا جنم ان مذہبی مدراس کے اندر ہوا جو دنیا کی تیز رفتاری میں پیچھے رہے گئے ہیں اور جو مناجات کی ِذہینت رکھتے ہیں۔

اس تفرقہ بازی اورانتہاء پسندی کی پھپھوندی کا اسلامی تہذیب کے درخت پر جنم قیام پاکستان سے قبل ہی ہو گیا تھا مگر بعد میں حالات نشوونماء کے لے سود مند ثابت ہوئے اس لئے پھلنے پھولنے میں دیر نہ لگی معاشرے کے لئے مفید درخت نے مضر صحت تنا وار درخت کی شکل اخیتار کر لی۔ اس کے مضر صحت ہونے کی وجہ معاشرہ ہی تھا اور ہیںورنہ اس پودے اصل نسل کے ثمرات سے تقریباً آٹھ سوسالوں تک دنیا اس کی افادیت سے فائدہ حاصل کرتی رہی اور اس کی امامت کو تسلیم کرتی رہی ۔اس خرابی کے محرک معاشرے کے دو گروہ تھے ایک نے اس کو پرانی تہذیب کا پاسبان سمجھ کر نہ اہمیت دی اور نہ ہی اس کا علاج کرنے کے لئے کوشش کی بلکہ اس سے کنارہ کشی اختیار کر لی۔دوسراگروہ اس کے متولیوں کا تھاجس نہ ہی اس بات کی کوشش کی کہ وہ اس احساس کمتری اور معاشرے کے اندر غیر فعالیت اور غیرموثر ہونے جس کے بناء پر یہ پھپھوندی نشوونماء کر رہی تھی اس کا علاج کرتے بلکہ اس میں مزید اضافہ بھی کیا انگریزی تعلیم کو اس درخت کی نئی شاخوں اوراپنے اوپر حرام سمجھ کرنئی اور پرانی تہذیب کے درمیان اور ساتھ ساتھ اپنے اندر چند غلط فہمیوں کے بنائ، عدوات کی طویل خلیج کھڑی کردی۔ جس کے نیتجے میں ایسے پھل ملے جو نئی تہذیب اور اپنے ہی لوگوں سے عدوات کے رس سے بھرے ہوئے مگر دنیا کے لئے بیکار تھے اور دونوں گروہ ایک دوسرے کی ضد بن گئے۔

ہمارے ملک میں جو تفرقہ بازی اور انتہاء پسندی کے مسائل درپیش ہیں ان کی جڑ یہی ضد ہے جو ان طبقات کے اندر موجود ہے ۔اس ضد کا علاج کرنے کے لازمی ہے کہ دونو ں گروہوں کے درمیان مصلحتی راہ اختیار کی جائے۔ اس کے لئے لازم ہے کہ پرانی تہذیب کے کیمپ کو ویسی اہمیت دی جائے جیسے نئی تہذیب کے کیمپ کو حاصل ہے۔

کیونکہ زیادہ خرابیاں پرانی تہذیب کے کیمپ کے اندر ہیں اس لئے زیادہ اصلاح کی ضرورت یہیںدرکا ر ہیں۔پہلے تو ایک اچھے معالج کی طرح ہمیں خرابی کا اندازہ لگانا چاہیے اور اس کی نوعیت کس قسم کی ہے۔ کیونکہ مسائل کی وجہ پرانی تہذیب کے افراد کو نظر انداز کر ناہے اور ان کو کاروبار زندگی میںکم اہمیت دینا ہے اس کی وجہ پرانا طرز تعلیم ہے جو آج کے سائنٹیفک معاشرے میں ناکام ہیں۔ اس مسئلے کے حل کے لئے لازمی ہے ان کے طریقہ نظام تعلیم کو تبدیل کیا جائے ۔اس کام میں حکومت کوایک موثر اورفعال کردار ادا کرنا ہو گا ۔


پہلے تو دینا میںموجود اسلامی یونیورسٹیوں کے نظام تعلیم کا مکمل مطالعہ کیا جائے خصو ضاً اسلامی یونیورسٹی مدنیہ منورہ ۔ جس طرح دینی نصاب سائنٹیفک اور نئے دورکے اصولوں کے مطابق جامعہ اسلامی مدنیہ منورہ میں تشکیل دیا گیا ہے ویسے ہمیں پاکستان کے یونیورسٹیوں اور مدراس میں تشکیل دینا چاہیے اور تحقیقی یعنی فقہ اور اسلامی شریعہ کے قوانین میں ریسرچ کو ماسٹر کے درجے پر لازم قرار دیا جائے۔

ہمارے ملک میں یونیورسٹیوں کے اندر شعبہ علوم اسلامیہ اگرچہ موجو دہے مگر اسلامی تعلیم کی صحیح روح اس میں موجود نہیں۔اس کے لئے ہمیں جامعہ اسلامی مدنیہ کی طرح ۴ سالہ بیچلر'۳ سالہ ماسٹر اور تحقیق پھرآخر میں پی ایچ ڈی کے بنیادوں پر ڈگری دی جانی چاہیے۔تمام دینی مدراس کو ان کو جامعات کے ساتھ الحاق کرانا لازمی ہو، تاکہ وہ بھی اس نصاب کواپنے مدراس کے اندر لاگو کرنے کے پابند ہوں اور جوپاس شدہ طالب علموں کو ڈگری یا سندکا اجراء یونیورسٹی کی طرف سے کیا جائے۔اس طرح ان لوگوں کو ڈگری نجی ادارے کے طرف سے ہونے کی بجائے ایک سرکاری ادارے کے طرف سے ہوگی جس کو قومی اور عالمی معاشرہ میںاہمیت حاصل ہوگی اور یوں معاشرے کا اہم حصہ ملک کےلئے کارآمد ثابت ہوسکتا ہے۔جو احساس کمتری کی وباء ان لوگوں کو انتہاپسندی کی طرف راغب کرتی ہے اس کا خاتمہ ہو جائے گا۔

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Refuted Misconceptions (Distinctions justified between men & women)

Some people harbour certain doubts and raise questions about Islam's stance on the woman's status as a human being. Here we tackle the more important points of uncertainty or even scepticism.
One of these questions is: why, if Islam really regards the woman's humanity on an equal basis with that of the man, does it give the man privilege over the female in some dealings such as legal testimony, inheritance, blood money, charge of the family, heading the state and other supporting ministrations?
The distinction (if it can ever be called one) between the man and the woman is not due to any preference by Allah, The Almighty, of the man or the woman on any account of being nobler or closer to the Lord. As a rule, it is piety and only piety that is the measure of ascendancy, nobility and closeness to Allah:
" Verily, the most honour able of you in the Sight of Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa [i.e. one of the Muttaq 'n: i.e. pious and righteous persons who fear Allah much](abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which He has forbidden), and love Allah much (perform all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained)". [Surah 49:13]
The distinctions, however, are merely conditioned by the different tasks assigned to each of the two sexes by virtue of their natural disposition.

(The Status Of Women In Islam by Dr.Yusuf Al Qaradawy)
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The Woman as Human Being

Islam was revealed at a time when a lot of people denied the humanity of the woman; some were sceptical about it; and still others admitted it, yet considered the woman a thing created for the humble service of the man.
With the advent of Islam, circumstances improved for the woman. The woman's dignity and humanity were restored. Islam confirmed her capacity to carry out Allah's commands, her responsibilities and observation of the commands that lead to heaven. Islam considered the woman as a worthy human being, with a share in humanity equal to that of the man. Both are two branches of a single tree and two children from the same father, Adam, and mother, Eve. Their single origin, their general human traits, their responsibility for the observation of religious duties with the consequent reward or punishment, and the unity of their destiny all bear witness to their equality from the Islamic point of view.
Establishing this fact, the Noble Qur'an says: " O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam) and from him (Adam) He created his wife (Eve), and from them both He created many men and women and fear Allah through Whom you demand your mutual (rights), and (do not cut the relations of) the wombs (kinship). Surely, Allah is Ever an All-Watcher over you. " [ Surah 4:1] That people all people men and women, were created by their Lord from a single person or self, that this self is a nucleus from which Allah created an integral counterpart that completes this original self and is completed by it, is stated in another verse: " It is He Who has created you from a single person (Adam), and (then) He has created from him his wife (Eve), in order that he might enjoy the pleasure of living with her." [ Surah 7:189] Eventually Allah, out of this nuclear pair, scattered the multitudes of men and women, all worshippers of a single God and children of the same parents implying they are united in a fraternity, embracing men and women alike. Because of this fact, the verse commands people to fear Allah as their Lord and be heedful of the duties that the wombs, as symbolic of this bond, impose.
The man on this account is a brother to the woman and the woman is the other half of the pair. The Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) says, "Women are the sisters of men." [ Transmitted on the authority of Aisha by Ahmad (6/256); Abu Dawud (236); Al-Termithy (113); Al-Doram(1/195) and others.] The Qur'an, on its part, treats this issue of fraternal equality from more than one perspective. On the purely religious level for instance, the Qur'an says: "Verily, the Muslims (those who submit to Allah in Islam) men and women, the believers men and women (who believe in Islamic Monotheism), the men and the women who are obedient (to Allah), the men and women who are truthful (in their speech and deeds), the men and the women who are patient (in performing all the duties which Allah has ordered and in abstaining from all that Allah has forbidden), the men and the women who are humble (before their Lord -Allah), the men and the women who give Sadaqat, (i.e. Zakat, and alms, etc.), the men and the women who fast (the obligatory fasting during the month of Ramadan and the optional Nawafil fasting), the men and women who guard their chastity (from illegal sexual acts) and the men and women who remember Allah muchwith their hearts and tongues (while sitting, standing, lying, etc. for more than 300 times extra over the remembrance of Allah during the five compulsory congregational prayers or praying extra additional Nawafil prayers of night in the last part of night etc.) Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward (i.e. Paradise). [ Surah 33:35]
On the basic social and religious responsibilities, the Qur'an establishes equality by maintaining: "The believers, men and women, are "Awliy," (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) of one another, they enjoin (on the people) Al-Ma`ruf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do);and forbid (people) from Al-Munkar (i.e. polytheism and disbelief of all kinds, and all that Islam has forbidden); they offer their prayers perfectly (lqamat-as-Salat), and give the Zakat and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah will have mercy on them. [ Surah 9:71]
In Adam's story, Divine Orders were made to him and his wife, both and equally: "O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in the Paradise and eat both of you freely with pleasure and delight of things therein as wherever you will, but come not near this tree or you both will be of the Zalim'n (wrongdoers). [ Surah 2:35] What is new, however, about this story as given by the Qur'an is that the temptation is blamed not on Eve but on Satan: "Then the Satan made them slip therefrom (the Paradise), and got them out from that in which they were. [ Surah 2:36] - the reverse of The Old Testament versions. Thus Eve was neither the sole eater from the tree, nor the one who initiated the act. Rather, the mistake was theirs both, and both of them repented and asked for forgiveness: "They said, "Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You forgive us not, and bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we shall be losers". [ Surah 7:23]
Further still, some verses ascribe the trespass to Adam: "And indeed We made a covenant with Adam before, but he forgot, and We found on his part no firm will-power." [ Surah 20:115] And "Then Satan whispered to him saying, "O Adam! Shall I lead you to the Tree of Eternity and to a kingdom that will never waste away?" [ Surah 20:120] and till "Thus did Adam disobey his Lord, so he went astray." [ Surah 20:121]
This implies that Adam was the one who trespassed first and was followed by his woman. Whatever the case may be, even accepting that Eve did commit a trespass, she, alone, would be responsible without any transmission of accountability to her daughters.
On the question of equality of punishment and reward and eligibility for Paradise, The Almighty says: "That was a nation who has passed away. They shall receive the reward of what they earned and you of what you earn. And you will not be asked of what they used to do. [ Surah 2:134 and 2:141] Concerning the equality of men and women in receiving rewards and the entry of paradise, God says: " So their Lord accepted of them (their supplication and answered them), "Never will I allow to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female." [ Surah 3:195] and Whoever works righteousness, whether male or female, while he (or she) is a true believer (of Islamic Monotheism) verily, to him We will give a good life (in this world with respect, contentment and lawful provision), and We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do (i.e. Paradise in the Hereafter). [ Surah 16:97]
When it comes to financial matters, the rule of Islam abolished the conventions prevalent among many nations which deprived the woman of the right of ownership, inheritance, and those which created obstacles against her exercise of free and full control of her holdings. As a rule, Islam acknowledges the woman's rights to all kinds of ownership, spending and channelling of her money. It gives her the rights of inheritance, selling, buying, renting, donating, lending, allocating property for religious and charitable purposes, giving alms, legal transfer and mortgage, as well as many other forms of contracts and actions.
The woman's right to seek education or learning is basic and is also guaranteed by Islamic teachings. Islam actualIy makes it incumbent on the woman to seek knowledge; the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) says, `seeking knowledge is incumbent on every Muslim," where "every Muslim" obviously involves men and women on an equal footing as a rule formalised by all authorities of jurisprudence .
The woman is also required to perform religious ordinances and forms of worship the way the man is. Praying, fasting, Zakat (the alms sanctifying tax), pilgrimage and all the other fundamental practices in Islam are required of Muslims in their capacity, both men and women, as responsible humans. Again the woman's actions are recompensed by Allah the way the man's actions are.
The woman is not excluded from the area of social activity; Allah says: " The believers, men and women, are "Awliy," (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) of one another, they enjoin (on the people) Al-Ma`ruf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do);and forbid (people) from Al-Munkar (i.e. polytheism and disbelief of all kinds, and all that Islam has forbidden). [ Surah 9:71] For instance, she can give refuge for those who seek it. If she hosts a refugee, her action is to be respected and observed. This rule relates back to Um Hanibint Abi Talib's giving relief to a father in-law on the day of the Conquest of Mecca by Muslims. When her brother wanted to kill him because he was an infidel, she complained to Allah's Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) saying, "Allah's Messenger, my mother's son insists on killing my refugee, Ibn Hubayra."The Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) replied, "We confer asylum on him that you give refuge to, Um Hani". [ Mutafaq aley (agreed upon) on the authority of Um Hani, The Pearl and the Coral (Al-Lu'lu' wal-Marjan) (193)]

The Status Of Women In Islam by Dr.Yusuf Al Qaradawy
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