Pakistan Budget '09

Budget generally refers to a list of all planned expenses and revenues. It is a plan for saving and spending. The purpose of budgeting is to:
  1. Provide a forecast of revenues and expenditures i.e. construct a model of how our business might perform financially speaking if certain strategies, events and plans are carried out.
  2. Enable the actual financial operation of the business to be measured against the forecast.
As above mentioned every government of each country proposed a budget for next year to planned economics of the countries. Month June is the budget month of the Pakistan, in which Pakistan plan its revenues and expenses for next year.It remained a question whether the resolution of budget in parliament is to gain political mileage or to reveal an economic action plans for next year? . Before discussing the upcoming budget of Pakistan, firstly we see the budget of 2008-09.
Budget 2008-09
In budget 2008-09 the net outlay was Rs.2010 billion which 29.7% higher then budget 2007-08.
In this budget, tax revenue was estimated 22% (Rs 568338 million) more then last budget. Non-tax revenue has been projected at Rs 427776 million in 2008-09 as compared with Rs 337593 million (26.7% higher) in budget estimates 2007-08. EXTERNAL RESOURCES
(such as, earthquake and Program loans, Global Bonds, Project loans, and other Aids and grants such IMF and World Bank) The budget estimates 2008-09 have been projected at Rs 300169 million which is 16.1 % higher than last budget estimates. For 2008-09, the expenditure has been estimated at Rs 1493183 million. The main allocation for public in such as health , security (social protection) , culture and religion and educations are Rs 5490 million, Rs 4791 million,Rs 3191 million, and Rs 24622 million respectively. In the budget estimates 2007-08 subsidies were 1.1% of GDP, in revised estimates 2007-08 at 3.9% of GDP and in the budget estimates 2008-09 reduced to 2.4% of GDP.
Budget 2009-10
In budget 2008-09 , the education and health sector ignored as compared to other main organs of states.In this budget we see that health allocation was Rs.5490 million and education was Rs.24622 million.
These two are the pillars of a state but Pakistani Current government ignored, now it is time for PPP that they realized the importance of these pillars. The Pakistani economic conditions are not so good that they developed new education centers or health care care centers in underdeveloped areas of Pakistan. Government select the already developed cities from each province and improve the these sectors for better future of Pakistan.
The external resource in the shape of non-military Aid from US that came in Pakistan in last month, can help the infra structure of educations and health.
It is hoped for PM Galni that he can't miss this issue again. In this budget he will target the education and health in larger impact.
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Impact of Indian Election on South Asia

Present era is the era of globalization, in which every statement from stateman or any stimuli can effect the peace of this globe village. Elections can show serious effects on this globalization because old policies are effected by new government due not carried out or by caming with new policies and ideology.It gain more importance when these elections held in South Asia, where war against terrorism is carried on and tension between countries such as India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan occurred since last century. And where world oldest issue Kashmir occur. These elections rises some silent questions about future South Asia and SAARC.In late 2008 and early 2009, a tension between Pakistan and India is rises after Bombay attack where evidence of attacks pointed direction towards Pakistan. while in Pakistan Lahore attack 's evidence pointed towards same source terrorist.Pakistani media manifested that in Lahore attack India has role but Pakistani officials never said these words.
2009 Election of India has more importance in these condition for South Asia. Because new elected government of India will face these problems.The BJP has extreme stand against Pakistan but Congress shows flexibility.
The old track of BJP against Pakistan during its government is much clear then Congress. BJP shows no flexibility to Pakistan and use harsh words for Pakistan. BJP has much clear stand on Kashmir by saying " Aatot Ang" and "Great India". During BJP government atomic bombs, misiles tests and Kargale war take place.But in BJP government, a remarkable porgress between Pakistan and India on Kashmir was seen. It is first time that Bus services between two areas of Pakistani and Indian Kashmir started and first time Kashmiri Leaders are invited on dialogue about Kashmir.
The Congress is like a moderate party which show much flexibility for Pakistan. During its last 5 year history, no such progress on Kashmir issue occur that were seen in BJP's government. But Congress try to create friendly atmosphere between Pakistan and India by trading and other sources.
This environment rises question for Indian national parties what they had foreign policy. But it is observed during election campaign agenda on foreign policy is not published by contributing parties beside it they behave more likely as a silent spokesman.
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Personalising Politics in Subcontinent

The beauty of the Politics is criticism. This criticism against politicians help to improve thier policies. If criticism undergo influence of negative while positive behavior diminished, this negative criticism fellow the "Personalising Politics" as a result fling and scandls arise.
Personalising Politics are often seen whenever election held, the politicians and party activist start the scandaling and fling each other. The scandal of the opponent personalities either false or true manifested publicly due to which opponent personality 's popularity graph fall. Recently held election US Election, John McCain and Sarah Palin faced the scandals. But in Indo-Pakistan , this politics held in worse shape.
Pakistan and India are two different countries with different ideologies but has similarity not only in climate, weather, languages but also has the much similar politics that infused in the peoples of subcontinent inherently.These politics are under the "Personalizing Politics" that has the characteristics of fling. In India BJP and Congress and In Pakistan PPP, Muslim league Q , Muslim league N and MQM has expert in this politics.
Instead of it they talk on Economic, foreign,health,education policies etc, they waste their energy on such poltics.In recently BJP scandalize congress overtaking government that" It is ashamed that IPL held in oversea." In return congress leader Mukhar gee said " Gujrat riots (2002) are more ashamed for us that held in BJP government". BJP manifested publicly about PM Manmohan Singh that he is puppet minster who work under the influence of Sonia Ghandi.

"All the previous Prime Ministers were capable of taking decisions on their own, but the present incumbent was dependent on others for the same : L.K.Advani"
On Sunday Dr.Manmohan Singh in New Dehli said; BJP by doing wrong poltics mislead the peoples
"The BJP either does not understand economic issues or is deliberately misleading the people ; the Congress was the only party that could take care of the economically and socially backward sections of society : PM Manmohan Singh"
"Once the BJP is in power,it would probe all the cases of the present Government with the CBI : BJP's Senior leader Arun Jaitley "
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